
Seeds of annual flowers that are actually in stock - fast delivery to various regions of the planet.

Adlay millet "Job's Tears"
Adlay millet "Tear" (Job's tears) - Coix lacryma-jobi. This is an unusual annual plant 50-60 cm high with rigid stems, suitable for growing in high flower beds to create floristic groups. In summer, the plants form drooping paniculate..
Adonis "Summer Love" (​​​​​​​Summer pheasants eye)
Adonis "Summer Love" - Summer pheasants eye. An annual herb with a simple or branched stem, up to 30 cm high. The leaves are repeatedly cut into small slices, creating the effect of a green "lace". The flowers are bright red..
Aegean wallflower (mix)
Aegean wallflower (mix). Fragrant flower. Light Requirements: Sun to partial shade. Flower Color: Yellow, orange, bronze, red, purple, red-brown. Height: 12 to 30 inches. Spacing: 12 to 15 inches. Perennial often treated as a half-hardy annual;..
African Daisy "Pastel shades mix" (Cape Marigold)
African Daisy "Pastel shades" (mix of colours) - Dimorphotheca sinuata. Herbaceous plants with rising stems form a densely leafy, hemispherical bush 30-40 cm tall. Inflorescences are single apical baskets. Reed flowers are white, yel..
African Daisy (mix)
African Daisy - Arctotis x hybrida (mixture of colours). Drought-resistant annual. Plant height 35 cm. Flower diameter 5-8 cm. A bright "African", which from the base of the bush to the tips of the flower-bearing stems is "..
Alyssum "Snowcloth"
Sweet alyssum "Snowcloth" - Alyssum maritimum. Very strong and delicate fragrance. A miniature plant with small, honey-scented flowers. The plant is low, up to 5-10 cm. It forms a dense, creeping white carpet. The leaves are narrow, lanc..
Amaranth "Perfecta" (Joseph's coat)
Amaranth "Perfecta" - Amaranthus gangeticus. Bright decorative leafy annual! A pretty multi-coloured bush about 50-70 cm high. Leaves are elongated-ovate, tricolour: a spectacular plant for real aesthetes. Recommended for single and..
American Basket flower (mix)
American Basket flower (colour mix) - Centaurea americana. A real giant among cornflowers with a strong, slightly branched stem, reaching 120 cm in height. Inflorescences up to 7.5 cm in diameter, spherical. Blooms in July-August. Used f..
Amethyst Flower Browallia (Jamaican Forget-Me-Not, Pensamientos De Pobre)
Bush Violet (Bush Violet, Amethyst Flower) - Browallia americana. This plant, in response to attention and care, will thank you with abundant and long flowering. Forms a low, highly branched bush with flexible shoots, perfectly combines the colour ..
Angel's trumpet "White" (Horn of plenty, Black datura)
Devil's trumpet "White" - Datura metel. A magnificent annual plant up to 150 cm high with very large tube flowers up to 20 cm long. Datura is perfect for decorating balconies and loggias, container culture, as well as for si..
Angelonia Rose "Serena" F1 (summer snapdragon)
Summer Snapdragon Rose "Serena" F1 - Angelonia angustifolia Benth. Height: 30-50 cm. It has large inflorescences with a deep pink flower and a dark eye. Intense, deep color retains in bright light and high temperature..
Annual mallow (mix)
Rose Mallow (Annual mallow) mix - Lavatera trimestris. An excellent mixture of tall varieties. Powerful branchy, very unpretentious plant, 60-100 cm high (up to 110 cm). The flowers are funnel-shaped large (6-10 cm in diameter) of pure white, ..
Arizona beggarticks "Golden rain"
Fern-leaved beggarticks (Apache beggatricks) - Bidens ferulifolia = Coreopsis ferulifolia = Coreopsis aurea = Bidens aurea. Annual flowers, stem trailing up to 100 cm. Due to abundant blooming this flower is also known as the &..
Asparagus-pea (winged pea)
Lotus purpureus (asparagus-pea, winged pea) - Tetragonolobus purpureus. Четырёхкрыльник пурпурный (Тетрагонолобус). Удивительной новинкой наступающего сезона станет декоративное растение с необычным "крылатыми" бобами. Четырёхкрыл..
Begonia interspecific "Rose sensation" F1
Begonia interspecific "Rose sensation" F1. Bronze-brown leaves. An original and highly resistant hybrid, which is an excellent result of interspecific crossbreeding. The plant forms a powerful bush (60-70 cm) with inflorescences 4-4.5 cm..
Begonia interspecific "White sensation" F1
Begonia interspecific "White sensation" F1 - Begonia interspecific. An original and highly resistant hybrid, which is an excellent result of interspecific crossbreeding. The plant forms a powerful bush (60-70 cm) with infloresce..
Begonia tuberosa pendula "Chanson Orange" F1
Begonia tuberosa pendula "Chanson Orange" F1 - Begonia tuberhybrida pendula multiflora. "Chanson" F1 is a group of popular hybrid spreading begonias with double and semi-double flowers. It offers the complete range of colour..
Begonia tuberosa pendula "Chanson White" F1
Begonia tuberosa pendula "Chanson White" F1 - Begonia tuberhybrida pendula multiflora flora pleno. Seeds in granules! Granules are placed on the surface of slightly compacted and moistened soil, without covering them. Crops are moiste..
Begonia tuberosa pendula "Chanson Yellow" F1
Begonia tuberosa pendula "Chanson Yellow" F1 -  "Chanson" F1 is a group of popular hybrid spreading begonias with double and semi-double flowers. It offers the complete range of colours that begonias can offer. Plants g..
Begonia tuberosa pendula "Deep Red" F1
"Chanson" F1 is a group of popular hybrid spreading begonias with double and semi-double flowers. It offers the complete range of colours that begonias can offer. Plants grown from seed start flowering early and continue until the firs..
Bergamot "Mona Lisa" (Oswego tea, scarlet beebalm)
Bergamot "Mona Lisa" (Indianernessel, mountain mint) - Monarda citriodora. Annual plant 80-100 cm high with a branched stem. The leaf is narrow-linear, green. On one stem, up to 5-7 inflorescences are formed, arranged in whorls. ..
Bitter candytuft
Rocket candytuft - Iberis amara. Fragrant and unpretentious annual. Densely branched and flowering variety with fragrant inflorescences. Excellent honey plant. Growing rapidly. Unpretentious, cold-resistant. An annual plant, completely unpretentio..
Black-eyed Susan "Toto Gold"
Black-eyed Susan "Toto Gold" - Rudbeckia hirta. Compact, very bushy variety with an abundance of neat flowers 5 cm in diameter. It is characterized by early, abundant and continuous flowering throughout the season. Retains decorativeness ..
Bladder hibiscus "China Doctor" (Bladder ketmia, Bladder weed, Modesty, Puarangi, Shoofly)
Bladder hibiscus "China Doctor" - Hibiscus trionum. An annual herbaceous plant with a strong branched stem (up to 70 cm) and original trifoliate leaves from the Malvaceae family. In the northern regions, it is grown through seedlings (sow..
Blessed Thistle (Holy Thistle)
Spotted Thistle - Cnicus benedictus. Organic seeds. Contains 1 species - Cnicus benedictus, also called cardobenedict. Grows in dry places, wastelands, along roadsides and in crops. It is found in the Mediterranean and Western Asia, in the Ca..
Showing 1 to 25 of 319 (13 Pages)